The lump in my throat is reoccurring.
I don’t know if it will ever fully go away.
It started about five years ago,
On your very first birthday.
The doctor handed you to me
It was the best feeling I ever had.
Our family no longer was husband and wife
We were now a mom and dad.
I felt the tears start to swell
My heart was all a float.
All those fears I previously had
Were substituted by the lump in my throat.
That lump came back when you took your first step
And again when you said my name.
I felt the lump when you first got sick to your stomach-
I think the sweet potatoes were to blame.
I watched you graduate from PreK and dance in a recital
That lump remained faithful throughout.
The lump stayed firm right in my chest
Until those tears could finally come out.
You continue to make Dad and I proud.
You bring us such joy and honor.
I pray one day you, too, know the feeling
Of having such an incredible daughter.
There’s so much more you’re gonna do
Walk to countless diplomas and down the aisle
Just know that I’m here cheering you on
With this lump in my throat, all the while.
I write this as you walk into kindergarten school,
On this 5th year you are alive.
These lumps are blessings and prayers thanking God for you,
Happy Birthday, I can’t believe you’re five!