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Just You Wait


I went to the bank today. With both kids. Alone. So, for obvious reasons we drove through. I put in the money to be deposited in our account through the air pipes. When it was completed, my receipt came back down through the air pipes and I went to grab it. Before the door opened. And jammed my finger. The teller asked if I was okay, and I responded with, “Oh, yeah. Just impatient, I guess.”

I struggle with patience almost as much as I struggle with gossip. Why is it so much easier to ask God to help me with my gossip issue than to ask God to help me develop stronger patience? Maybe it’s because we see folks ask for patience, and then watch their training trials.

I immediately think of Job. He had everything-the very definition of a perfect life. He had a great job, good family, good friends, big house, lots of land, and on top of all of that, he was a great guy. Then everything was taken from him. In a matter of minutes he lost his livestock, his workers, his business, his wife’s support, his health, and the very people he loved the most. He remained faithful and became the most persevering man alive. I ran across some “Job Quotes” that he said during this process.

“The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

“He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.”

“For he wounds, but he binds up. He shatters, but his hands heal.”

“Then Job answered the Lord, ‘I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

“Agree with God and be at peace, thereby good will come to you. Receive instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your heart.”

“Behold God is mighty, and does not despise any, he is mighty in strength and understanding.”

“As for my, I would seek God, and to God would I commit my cause, who does great things, marvelous, unsearchable things without number.”

This is my role model. She just so happens to be my cousin, and one of my best friends. Our moms-also cousins-grew up together as best friends. Our grandads-brothers-were close also. We were destined to be alike, and close. I look up to her more than any human being in the world.

She is a modern day Job. Ame was smart, beautiful, popular, and a great Christian friends to everyone that she met. She was blessed with the exact job she wanted, the degrees she wanted (in the time limit she wanted), she had the exact number of kids, also in the exact time limit, that she wanted, married a foxy, godly man that treats her like the princess we know she is. And supports her shopping habit, which is a big deal. Ame lived the fairytale life. Until about 5 years ago. Within 5 years, Ame’s grandmother suddenly passed away, she was tending to her dad who suffered with back problems, and was wrangling three kids under three. She was going 90 to nothing with little time to spare. She found comfort in conversations and encouragement from her mom. Over the past couple of years, her mom was feeling really weak and tired, and not up for much encouragement. She was diagnosed with MS and added to Ame’s plate, she was going to do everything she could to get the best treatment and answers for her mom. Last year, the family received horrible news that Ame’s mom didn’t have MS at all. She had ALS. Ame has been running for the last year rearranging her schedule to make her mom comfortable. A lot of people would have blamed God or questioned his motives. But Ame doesn’t. She knows that this season has made her strong for a reason that is beyond us all. She waits patiently, as Job did, for this season to pass. She makes sure her family is at church. She sees the important parts of life and clings to God’s understanding rather than her own.

Patience is a virtue. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. It’s a a scary thing to pray for, yes, but it is a command we are all required to embrace.

John 13:7, “Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’l

Paraphrased Phillips 1:6, “Have patience. God’s not finished yet.”

I did some small tasks today to try and help my patience (with my jammed finger). I cut the grass with a push mower. It was super thick and took a while. I also decided to do some charcoal drawings today. Drawing always takes me forever, but I have to practice patience or it won’t look right; it will look rushed.

My challenges are not as extreme as Ame’s current situation. Sometimes, the obstacles will be more difficult. Patience is required no matter what rating the challenge suggests on the scale. We practice for patience now for handling those situations then.

Please continue to remember my cousin, Pam, Ame, her sisters, and everyone else tending to Pam. May His will be done. May His peace be provided. And may His loving arms wrap around this strong family.



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