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In A Dark Room

I’m doing a bible study on the book Surprise the World by Michael Frost. It’s a fascinating new way to look at the evangelical side of being a Christian. I’m the kind of person who is terrible at sit down bible studies. I can talk someone into getting through the church doors, but then I’m awful at actually quoting “book, chapter, and verse” for people.

This book talks about the different jobs in the mission field. Sometimes, you have evangelists-those who go into the field to preach and teach the gospel. But, Paul references to the church in Colossians that some evangelists have the job of praying for those preaching and teaching (Colossians 4:2-6). This is the example the book gives:

It gives you challenges in each chapter. The first challenge is to bless three people that week, one of which is not a member of the church. This allows for conversation for people to notice you are different and possibly open up to you about your faith. Easy right? Then, it adds on parts. The next week, you have to invite three people into your home (one of which is not a Christian), next you have to eat a meal with three people, one of which is not a member.

This week’s assignment is way out of my comfort zone, but I strongly suggest it: Spend 20 minutes (timed) in a dark secluded room, away from distractions, in prayer. Ben watched the kids while I, uncomfortably, set a timer on my iPad while I locked the door to my dark closet.

For the first few moments, I just sat there. I was just supposed to talk to God. Like I do every day. Why was this so hard? So different? Once I started speaking, the words just flowed. I ranted and confessed things that my hardened heart had not even realized were a faith issue. I was so close to the Father of lights. He comforts me in moments like that when I feel so unworthy of Him.

I’m pushing the challenge onto you, my friends. If you are willing to accept the challenge, you will indeed be blessed. 20 minutes, dark room, no distractions, you and God.

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