Happy Father’s Day! This is your 29th Father’s Day. There are so many posts stating what they “wish they could tell their Dad” today. I am so blessed to still say things to you, and most importantly, still hear what you have to say to me. I want to take up blog space to tell you, “Thanks.”
Thank you for cleaning up my messes. Not the diaper messes-I know that wasn’t your responsibility. 😂
Thank you for encouraging me. Even when I wrote “Barney” on the side of your car with a rock.
Speaking of cars, thank you for teaching me sternly that the hot car is not the home for silly putty.
Thank you for teaching me to laugh, always.
Thank you for listening to me-you are the BEST listener.
Thank you for buying me rabbits. (That’s all I’m going to say about rabbits.)
Thank you for telling me every day that I am beautiful. Even when I was the biggest girl in my dance group…
And on the softball team…
Thank you for teaching the importance of a healthy lifestyle. I’m pretty sure you saved me life.
Thank you for marrying my Mom. What a fox!
Thank you for loving her. Thank you for the example that you guys set for a perfect marriage.
Thank you for hanging out with Miles and I.
Thank you for working so hard and still making time to immerse yourself in our lives. We appreciated that, even if we acted like we didn’t. We did.
Thank you for learning our phraseology. And creating new ones.
Thank you for talking to my friends and acting cool around them. I was never once embarrassed by your.
The time you dressed up as Barney for my Preschool class and Barney knocked the exit sign with his head. And his head(mask) came off. And my class screamed in horror. And I cried. All I could think was, “Barney ate my dad.” I’m not sure if that was embarrassment or a character building exercise.
Thank you for building my character.
Thank you for making Charleston a part of my life. Such a special place. And I love sharing it with you.
Thank you for wearing the magic Christmas hat that makes you tell us what all of our gifts are before we open them. 🙄
Thank you for trusting me.
Thank you for showing me respect. I was not always deserving.
Thanks for letting me go away to college, and thanks for not encouraging me to come home every weekend. Now that I’m a mom, I know that was tough. For both of us.
Thank you for giving Ben permission.
And for making my wedding unforgettable with cardboard cutout (Beef Wellington).
Thank you for showing me that you’re never too old to have friends. No matter how many people may judge you both..
Thank you for teaching me to respect my country and those who lead and serve it.
Thank you for teaching me to love and respect the elderly. I now encourage my children to do the same.
You go out of your way to help people. You know the true meaning of sacrificing your time for others.
Thank you for helping with mission work at church. So many of your new friends count on, appreciate, and love you.
Thank you for being my favorite running partner. Even when you run backwards in front of me.
Thank you for never giving up.
Thank you for seeing a dream and tackling it. “Impossible” doesn’t exist in your vocabulary.
Thank you for introducing me to Jesus.
Thank you for being my ride to church. Thank you for not letting us stay home when we had too much homework, were too tired, or had other extracurricular obligations.
Thank you for taking the time to immerse me in water for the remission of my sins.
You are an incredible person. The best father I could have ever asked for. I am beyond grateful for you, and I’m so blessed that I can tell you that today. I mean every word.
I love being able to call you, “Dad.” You know what I also love? That my kids get to call you, “Grumpy.”
I hate I’m not with you celebrating today, but I hope that you have the best day. I love you, Dad. Eggamuffin, yeah.