I’ve lost 6 pounds in 17 days, making a grand total of 19 pounds since January 1. I’m also down a pants size! I have been reading and following Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Diet Breakthrough book. There are four cycles consisting of 17 days, and I have just completed the first cycle. I’ve got three cycles and another 20 lbs to go, but I feel better than ever.
I’ve been documenting my journey the past 17 days, and I posted my notes here. If you’re wanting a great, easy, and fast diet, I definitely recommend this one. Here’s on to Cycle 2!
Day one: I read a large portion of the book today, so I don’t know if that’s why I’m weak and tired or not. This afternoon, I felt real weak. It may all be in my mind because we I eat, I feel better. My stomach feels so gross after drinking the green tea, and that usually doesn’t happen. However, the book encouraged that I double up on the green tea. I also don’t have any yogurt under the 10 grams of sugar rule, so I’m not getting the probiotic I need two servings of today. I’m so used to eating at night: snacking on junk while watching movies, etc. So, I’m thinking my starving feeling is from that. I’ve also peed all. Day. Long. The book says that that’s the toxins getting out of my body.
Day two: I’m feeling better today. I woke up and worked out. I sweated a lot today. I’m assuming that’s the toxins escaping again. Apparently, the peeing and sweating will get better tomorrow. The kids and I ran to Aldi’s to get Greek yogurt as my probiotic today. I had egg whites for breakfast and mixed the Greek yogurt with stevia and strawberries for snack. It still had that nasty after taste in the yogurt, but it was better. I had a salad for lunch with turkey. I’ve drank green tea with each meal. I still get that “ew” bloated feeling after each cup, but I’m hoping that is going to keep me full. I had several thoughts this evening like, “Can I quit?” “The kids’ supper looks better than mine.” “I want something sweet” “And cheese.” “This was dumb to start a diet the week of my 3 year old’s birthday.” But I abstained! I will defeat these cravings and this deadly lifestyle. I’m determined to shed this fat. I also joined a social media support group to inspire me by others’ stories who are also on this diet.
Day 3: I watched a Dia commercial on tv, and you know what? They start on my size. I have never been so motivated to do this diet. I read a quote today that said, “There’s no such thing as those with more motivation, there’s those who want to look better more.” I feel great today. Today is my last day of detox, and I can really tell with my digestive system. It feels so clean. I’m not as hungry today. Will see how that lasts tonight. I’m doing my CrossFit workouts still. The diet says to do light workouts on the first cycle, but these are really working for me. I feel my muscles forming really well. Every Facebook post today is literally something cheese related-and not just the comments. I miss my affair with Mexican food. I wasn’t super hungry for supper tonight, nor was I hungry late. It’s getting easier! I also made sugar cookies with the kids today and abstained from having one.
Day 4: I debated back and forth whether or not I was going to weigh this morning after just 3 days. It’s been 2 weeks since I last weighed and the week between the two was vacation week 😬. So there’s no telling how much I put on last week. BUT, I still have lost 0.5 lbs! It may just be water weight but, hey, weight is weight. I’m going to weigh again on Sunday to see how much I’ve lost in a week, but then I won’t weigh again until day 17. I’m bloated today, and gassy. I’m assuming it’s hormonal related, but I wanted to document it in case others experienced the same thing. I almost gave in tonight for supper. The family did traditional french bread pizzas. I had found a recipe in the book for fish with a creamy dill sauce (and I do love sauce. And cream). So i poured some leftover chicken broth in a pan. It smelled kind of funny, but all this food smells funny to me. Once I put the fish in, Ben said, “What smells ruined?” Sure enough, my fish and dinner was ruined. I had to throw everything away. I wanted to just eat the pizza liked the rest of them. But I found some tilapia and made that. It didn’t taste as good as their pizza smelled, but skinny is gonna feel even better! I got real hungry tonight. I stayed up late working on a paper and my stomach kept growling. So I heated up some leftover chicken breasts and ate the carrots leftover from supper’s vegetable medley. I had so much energy tonight it was hard to fall asleep. I stayed up and peed every 30 minutes.
Day 5: I woke up exhausted. So exhausted that I went back to sleep for another hour after being awake for an hour and a half. When I woke up, I felt better, but very weak. My sinuses are messed up this morning so that could be the issue. I’m also super hungry today, and it’s that nauseous hungry. I know why they say don’t do strenuous workouts-my CrossFit workout bout killed me! But I had a delicious spaghetti squash supper tonight with turkey beef! Sooooo good.
Day 6: We had Peyton’s birthday at momma’s today. There was snacks, cake, and pizza. Before we left, I packed my probiotic smoothie, some grapes, some lunch of leftover spaghetti squash and green tea. I did great at the party. Several asked about the diet and the meal. I stayed full so I was able to stay on track. However, on the way home, I was starving. When I got home, it was so tempting not to eat ALL the cake and ALL the pizza. Also, I was really craving mac and cheese. But, I abstained. Barely. This week of “birthday week” is gonna kill me. I’m gonna weigh tomorrow since Sunday is my “weigh day” even though a full week isn’t technically until Monday.
Day 7: Down 2 lbs in a week! My first meal of eating out was a bust…sort of. I did the best I could. For Father’s day, Ben wanted to eat at a “meat and 3”. There were no salads on the menu or grilled chicken, so I ordered the 4 vegetable option of green beans, purple whole peas, white beans, and fruit. I forgot I couldn’t have beans and the fruit was covered in sugary yogurt.
Day 8: Today, I packed my lunch before I worked. I had to teach lessons until lunch. I wasn’t very hungry much today so that helped. I did a cardio workout at the gym today. I’ve been having sinus problems so I wondered if that messed up my time a bit running. I felt lighter running today. I also turned down two leftover birthday cakes and delicious Colby jack cheese toast and chili for supper. I had turkey burgers and carrots instead.
Day 9: I am currently craving potatoes. For lunch, I had leftover turkey burgers and carrots. I wanted more carrots when I was done. I’m having fish tonight, but the family is having fish sticks (I tried to coordinate my foods with theirs) for the week). I’m still not very hungry today.
Day 10: Today is Peyton’s Birthday! I made made the most deliciously looking chocolate chip cake with homemade icing and only ate a bite of it. Today was definitely day of temptations but I overcame all of them. I did put a little mozzarella on my eggplant parm tonight. But it was better than the hot dog, mac and cheese, and cake the fam jam had. I hit the “hangry” point tonight-that point where everyone is getting on my nerves. I feel like I’m working to get skinny and clean the house and raise my kids and pay the bills and look fantastic and everyone around me has their feet propped up at the beach eating whatever the want. I’m just frustrated tonight.
Day 11: Tonight was really really hard. We had friends over and everyone was eating nachos and leftover birthday cake-it about killed me as I ate my spaghetti squash.
Day 12: Today’s “pass up” was my favorite ice cream cafe. I drank my green tea as the fam jam ate ice cream. Only 5 more days til splurge day. I didn’t have my probiotic yogurt smoothie this morning so around lunchtime, I got to feeling really nauseous like my blood sugar and bottomed. Once I ate lunch, I felt a lot better. I had a great workout today with a mixture of CrossFit and cardio. My gym trainers were proud of my progress. I ate dinner on the go tonight since we had a recital. Serious sinus issues today making my whole body feel weird
Day 13: I slept so late this morning. I’ve been busy staying up late working on school work so this morning, I slept. When I woke up, I felt awesome. I had energy to start my paper, clean the whole house, make lunch, workout, and watch 2 hallmark movies.
Day 14: We’re out of a bunch of food. I placed my grocery order last night, but I went ahead and planned my meals today so I wouldn’t mindlessly be looking for food. I made a wonderful chicken soup for lunch today full of veggies and chicken. For dinner, we ate out at City Hardware. I had a chicken salad, but couldn’t finish it. I listened to my stomach and got a to go box for the second half of my dish. I’m also comfortably in my “too tight” pants. I kept pulling them up tonight, but they’re still kind of tight in the thighs. But I can breathe really well in them now. I had some gastrointestinal pain tonight. I felt bloated and had some pain in my shoulder blades. I think there may have been something in the salad my body wasn’t used to.
Day 15: I woke up this morning, did an ab work out, cleaned the house, and had a cup of green tea…3 hours after I woke up. After my tea I ate my breakfast of eggs and fruit. I was so, so sick to my stomach until I ate. I’m assuming I’m not getting enough calories. When I start my next cycle, I’m going to count the calories I’m taking in on My Fitness Pal. It’s weird, because I’m eating when I’m hungry, but I’m just not hungry much anymore. Note: you have to drink the amount of water it asks you to drink. You’ll feel so much better if you do. I got tickled at myself watching episodes of Food Network today. So many good foods, but none set off cravings like they used to. Tonight, I could totally go for a cupcake. But, it’s late. I’m wide awake. And ready to snack happy 🙂
Day 16: I worked hard cutting the grass today, but man, I worked up an appetite. I made taco salad for the fam tonight and ended up putting the cheese dip on my salad too. That was the first temptation I gave into.
Day 17: I made it to the last day of the first cycle! I’m excited to weigh tomorrow and get my results. My sinus issues are real today. That cheese dip completely tore up my stomach-and I barely had a tablespoon of it. I’m a little worried my splurge day tomorrow is going to knock me on my feet. I’m just going to only eat when I’m hungry and only eat small portions. I can tell I’ve definitely lost inches. I wish I had gotten my measurements before I started to see the accurate difference. I’m going to try to chug the water today to get rid of any last minute water weight before my weigh in tomorrow. I had some grilled chicken and green beans for supper after my nap and felt a lot better as far as my stomach goes. Still got the sinus crud.
Because I am hypoglycemic, instead of doing the fast to shock my body, I’m doing the “Splurge” to shock my body. Brought to you by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. I’m pretty stoked!